domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

La carta

En este blog pretendo conjugar dos cosas que me encantan: descubrir restaurantes y fabular. Y todo ello compartirlo con vosotros, con los adictos a las ciudades, a la fabulación, al teatro, con los adictos a sentirse y saberse diferentes en cada nuevo rincón ¿Cuántos al entrar en un bar, observar a la gente, no habéis imaginado una nueva historia para vosotros mismos, no habéis imaginado que erais...? Pues os ofrezco las historias que yo he fabulado mientras degustaba un exquisito coulant o saboreaba un maravilloso camembert rebozado, en un cálido ambiente. Literatura y gastronomía se aúnan para que sonriáis. Espero que la saboreéis...

10 comentarios:

  1. Hi Laura! Emil here! I like your blog. A suggestion: How about visiting el QUIMET,QUIMET @ Poeta Cabanyes,25 del Poble Sec? It's one of my faves and I'm sure you gonna like it,too. Cheerio!

  2. Eii!! Emil! It is a pleasure to meet you here.I really apreciate that you like my blog. I will try your suggestion!! I know this place, but I have never been there: It is still on my list!! Please, go on giving me more suggestions for my blog
    Thank you! A big hug!

  3. Hi there! Here's my second suggestion before the Xmas break. Why not try the famous 'bombes' at La Cova Fumada de la Barceloneta. They're meant to be suuuuuper goooooood stuuuuuuuuuff! The premises itself is a far-out! Not to be missed! Big hug!

  4. Eii!! Emil, thank you very much. I love your suggestions!! I'm sure that I will try it, Now I have a long holidays!!
    See you!!

  5. Suggerent, atractiu, saborós... Gran blog per a devorar-lo a cada nou descobriment.
    Gràcies, una abraçada i Bon Nadal (i si és a Barcelona... fantàstic!).

  6. Paniii!!! Gràcies a tu per seguir-lo!! Espero que trobem un foradet per devorar junts, amb els UIES!!! Una abraçada enorme!!!

  7. Saber trobar, estar, menjar, fer i..., imaginar. Bona combinació i relats compartits. Fantàstic blog. Gràcies per fer-ho possible-!.

    1. Marisa!! Has trobat els verbs que més m'agraden!! Gràcies!! Una abraçada enorme!!

  8. Just read your contribution in Time Out BCN. Splendid piece of writing !! Undoubtedly, we'll be paying Elsa & Fred a visit pretty soon! Love the lines you can read there: "I wish we had met before", says Fred. "The important thing, though, is that we've met", replies Elsa.

  9. Ohhhh! You are splendid with your words!! I'm very happy because you like my writing!! I hope that you will enjoy with your visit.
    A big hug!
